Farm + No-code

I invite you to come with me on a journey this next year out of the city and into the land. My 2021 plan is for my family to make our own food on our land and make money on the internet.

I invite you to come with me on a journey this next year out of the city and into the land.

My 2021 plan is for my family to make our own food on our land and make money on the internet.

I am going to mix a homestead and the internet.

The shire hobbit house with a no-code sticker

A homestead is a self-sufficient home on land. And the internet is a bustling city on our computers. I want the benefits of land with the economy of a city. And my family can have both.

"Are you really going to do this or this just some weird thing you're going to try after watching a video on YouTube?"

It's a good question.

I'm really going to give this a shot. LORD willing, it'll happen.

Here's the business plan including how I'll use no-code to help

I am going to continue building the business Amperland in Bubble. Amperland is going to serve 3D artists, especially those who plan to collaborate. I will be sharing with you what I build along the way through this blog and my YouTube channel.

Secondly, I'm going to release copywriting tips and think through how to make money from them. I love copywriting. It's a passion of mine.

I wrote copywriting tips in an earlier post if you'd like to get a glimpse of the content.

I'll continue working at Zapier until something changes. I love Zapier. And lastly, we will buy land in May 2021 near Nashville, Tennessee.

It's a bit wild. But so was 2020. Glad to have you with me on the journey.

Happy building,


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