Zapier's attack on Airtable (how you benefit)

Zapier's strategy for building automation products and how you'll save more money and time

Pop quiz. What’s harder to build?

  • Features
  • 7,500 app integrations

Flips to back of textbook to find answers. Correct. 7,500 app integrations is way harder to build.

The reason why Zapier started in 2011 and is still going strong is because app integrations are complex to build.

Zapier uses this to their advantage. 

With Tables, Zapier is building a database and using it’s integrations like a Transformer’s cog. 


It’s no longer a database, it’s the most automated database on the internet.

This puts Airtable up for grabs. 

But the point is not just to go after other apps. You stand to benefit from Zapier growing their functionality.

Today, I’ll show you Zapier Tables’ new app building feature, why Airtable is slowing down, and how you stand to benefit.

Let’s spice things up.

The app building feature: linked records

Build once, use multiple times. 

This is the mantra of software and the rallying cry for features like linked records. We all want to remove duplicative work. 

Linked records allow you to add information once and reference it again and again and again. 

Linked records in Zapier Tables

A lead fills out one of many forms, works with one of many sales reps, and purchases one of your products. The journey is messy without… linked records.

With linked records, each step in the journey is connected which builds a relationship amongst your data. With linked records, you have a clearer picture and a better understanding of what works. 

Linked records create leverage with whatever you build. 

Leverage is what you want. It means more time and more money. 

But why use Tables vs Airtable if they both have linked records?

Trajectories for Zapier and Airtable

At some point, a database has most of the major features you need to get the job done. Beyond that, you’re adding seasoning and cherries on top. This is Airtable.

Airtable doesn’t have a ton left to build for their tables/databases. Their recent release log proves it. 

Only 9% of the last 21 releases were database related.  

Airtable also doesn’t focus much on automation. Understandably. Their team has to build out and maintain every integration themselves. 

Zapier gets their partners to do most of that work.

Now, don’t get me wrong. Airtable has it’s place. I love Airtable. It’s powerful and has so many features. But power isn’t necessary for everything. 

If you want your business to rely on automation which is the leverage OG, you’ll need Zapier. 

Zapier launched linked records and is working on formulas. With these two features, it will offer the bulk of what any database needs.

When that happens, you’ll stand to benefit.

How you benefit from using Zapier Tables

Here’s how you’ll benefit from using Zapier instead of Airtable:

  • You’ll save money because of discounts and free tasks within Zapier’s ecosystem
  • You’ll save time because you’ll be able to automate more
  • You’ll make life easier by simplifying your tech stack 

Let’s take these one by one.

You’ll save money because of discounts and free tasks within Zapier’s ecosystem

Zapier released a Pro bundle which gives a ridiculous discount for using Zaps, Tables, and Interfaces. These sort of multi-product discounts will continue. Also, actions using Tables and Interfaces in a Zap don’t count against the monthly automation task limit. 

Airtable actions within a Zap do count against your automation task limit which will end up costing you more.

You’ll save time because you’ll be able to automate more

When tasks are free within Zapier’s ecosystem, you’ll be free to automate a lot more. When you’re ready to pull in a 3rd party app, you’ll have the space to automate those processes, too. Automation will increase which will save you more time.

You’ll make life easier by simplifying your tech stack

With Airtable, you have to have both a Zapier account and an Airtable account. With Zapier, everything’s under one roof. Plus, you’ll maintain flexibility because of Zapier’s robust app integrations. You’ll get simplicity and solution wrapped up in one.

Why you should act now

That Pro bundle? There’s a massive $120/year additional discount going on right now as a ZapConnect promotion. 

It ends October 26th, 2024. 

Don’t miss out.

To recap:

  • Linked records and formulas are necessary and coming for Tables
  • Zapier’s already done the hard work of integrations
  • There’s more automation and more savings on the… table.

That’s all for this week!

Happy Building,


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