Zapier app: AI Content Hub

Create an AI- and Automation-first content hub with Zapier Interfaces, Tables, Zaps, and AI. Learn how to streamline your content creation process and extend your hub with Zaps to automate other apps.

It’s 2024 and you are a content creator.

Don’t believe me?

If you’re not posting on social media, you’re likely posting in your company’s Slack or even in your family group text. 

The bottom line: creating content that resonates is hard work. We live in a never-ending now where most content lives and dies within 24 hours. 

The good news is that the more content you publish, the easier it gets. But having a system to pump out a ton of content is like trying to stay focused with your Slack notifications on.

Today, I’m going to teach you how to build an AI content hub using Zapier Interfaces, Tables, Zaps, and AI so that you can focus more on the content and less on the process.

With it, you’ll have a central place to capture your content ideas, automate the creation process, and generate more ideas with AI. 

It’s infinitely extendable and deeply connected to 5,000+ apps through Zapier.

Let’s write.

What’s in a content hub?

A content hub is your centralized place for content across all your channels. Content starts with an idea and ends with a published piece. The content hub allows you to bring the whole process together (so that you can spend more time writing and less time switching between apps).

The beauty in having it all on Zapier? You can extend the functionality to your heart's desire with Zaps (more on that in a bit).

Here’s how to start. 

You’ll create two Interfaces pages (by the way, here’s a super helpful Interfaces guide), one for each channel. Each page will have an idea capture form, a kanban showing the ideas and their stage, and a table for repurposing content.

Putting it to work with Zaps and AI

When you have an idea, add it to the form for the channel. Here’s where it gets fun.

A Zap takes the idea, sends it through AI to generate five related ideas (but from different perspectives), and adds them all into a Table.

This is literally the best way to squeeze the creative juice out of your idea lemons.

But we’re not done, yet. 

When you’ve decided to start working on an idea, move it into the “On Deck” stage and with a Zap you can automatically create a Google Doc with the title, details, and a quick outline generated from ChatGPT.

Justin Welsh AI chatbot

I've also created a Justin Welsh chatbot in Zapier that is trained on 75+ articles that Justin Welsh wrote. It's incredibly helpful in thinking through content, subject lines, and content strategies.

I can embed this chatbot directly into my content hub to serve as my own assistant. You can create one for yourself based on any knowledge source you decide to upload into it using Zapier Chatbots.

Extending the hub to do more

This is an AI- and Automation-first content hub. It can be extended, customized, and morphed into your futuristic content spacecraft with unlimited bells, whistles, and laser cannons. 

Here’s some other ways I’ve extended mine.

Content repurposing

When I publish a piece of content, I record the date in the table. After four months have passed, I resurface the content for editing and repurposing. 

Capture ideas from anywhere

I have a Zap that sends new items from my “Idea” project in Todoist directly into the Idea Table connected to the content hub. These ideas run through the AI generated idea Zap as well. You could connect any other source you want.

Excerpt review and publishing to website

After I publish my newsletter in Mailchimp, it automatically runs through an AI excerpt generator that summarizes the post. It shows up in my “Excerpt Review” section. When I approve it, it gets sent into Webflow to publish on my website.

How would you make it your own? The stars are the limit.

To recap:

  • Simplify your content creation process with a centralized content hub.
  • Zapier’s Interfaces, Tables, AI, and Zaps work together to streamline the process.
  • You can extend and customize by adding more Zaps to automate with your other apps.

That’s all for this week!

Happy Building,


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