ZapConnect 2024: top 5 surprise launches

Top launches from Zapier's annual virtual conference

ZapConnect was today and it didn’t fail to deliver.

Zapier saved some sweet launches for the virtual conference, and today I’m going to cover my personal top five:

  1. Tables Linked Records
  2. Interfaces Stripe Component
  3. Canvas Copilot
  4. Companion
  5. Functions

They also released an unheard of discount if you buy an annual subscription of the Professional plan for Tables, Interfaces, and Zaps. Not only do you save 33% for choosing annual, but they are taking an additional $120 off for buying the bundle (before October 26).

No time to waste, let’s jump in. 

Tables linked records

Zapier is going after Airtable. 

Linked records give you relational databases. Companies and leads, in two different tables, can be linked together. A change in one will change the other. 

This is how most of the internet is set up. Information isn’t just a list. It’s relational. 

With Tables linked records, the tools you build in Zapier become more powerful.

Airtable decided to focus on relational database features early on and is trying to play catchup with integrations and automation. It won’t catch up to Zapier’s automation powerhouse. 

What can happen, though? Zapier Tables can pick out the most bang-for-your-buck database features, build them, and pull away from Airtable with it’s powerful integrations and automation.

Interfaces Stripe component

You can take payments directly in an interface you build with Zapier, without sending customers to an external Stripe page. 

Plus, no additional fees (for now). Gumroad and any other platform that has payments typically has an additional fee. Take advantage of Zapier.

You could start selling:

  • Courses
  • Digital products
  • Workshops
  • Consulting hours

…all from within Zapier. 

Anytime there is a payment in your process, there’s likely a lot of automation that happens in the backend. Keeping those payments in Zapier makes the process easy (and more affordable).

Canvas Copilot

This is the start of something big. 

Describe the system, tool, or app you want to build with Zapier and Canvas will use AI to build it with Tables, Interfaces, and Zaps. 

You literally click a button and it all gets built for you. 

It’s in beta, so go test it out right now. 


This is the freshest new product on the block. Super early. You can get on the waitlist to try it out.

It will records what you do and then suggests an automation to save you time. 

Just hit record, run through a manual process you hate, and it will suggest Zaps. 

This could change the game for people who are new to Zapier. If you’re an expert, freelancer, consultant, or agency, imagine having your clients run through this, find things to automate, and then send them over to you to build. 


This is Zapier’s step into the world of code. Functions is a new product that gives developers their very own interface to code in with the power of all of Zapier’s integrations ready to go out of the box. 

It’s a coder’s paradise. 

I don’t personally code, but I might learn just so that I can see how fast this thing works. 

ZapConnect shows that Zapier is not slowing down. If you want to be the first to learn how to build with all these new products Zapier is launching, consider subscribing to my newsletter Build Anything. I'll share everything I know.

That’s all for this week!

Happy Building,


P.S. See the full list of features and products launched at ZapConnect 2024 or watch a quick highlight reel.

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