Why switch to Zapier Tables & Interfaces?

Here are the top three reasons why Zapier's Tables and Interfaces might be worth switching to from other no-code products. See how Tables and Interfaces can simplify automation, save you money, and bring you into the future of automation.

Tables have free tasks. Interface forms are free into Tables. Lookup tables in Tables. AI Chatbot (compared to other offerings). What else?

I spend most of my time thinking about why Zapier’s Tables and Interfaces are better than other products. 

Maybe you’re wondering the same thing. 

So, today, I’m going to break down the top three reasons why Table and Interfaces might be worth switching to from Google Sheets, Airtable, Make, Typeform, Notion, Coda, etc. 

The quick answer? Tables and Interfaces simplify automation. A simpler way to automate means more automation which means you can do more with less.

Let’s take a closer look. 

The art of simplicity

“The art of simplicity is a puzzle of complexity.” —Douglas Horton

In an effort to automate your processes to “simplify,” you may have noticed that you were actually adding complexity. Another Zap means another thing that could break. 

The fragility of no-code is a serious problem. 

So, to introduce some strength and simplicity, use Zapier’s Tables and Interfaces. 

The majority of automation is actually quite simple:

  • Capture some information
  • Put it somewhere
  • Do something with it

Can’t we just do that without things breaking? A Google Sheet column change breaks a Zap. Unknowingly deleting an Airtable field breaks a Zap. Hitting an API flood protection limit when Google Sheets triggers too much at once breaks your system.

Zapier’s Tables and Interfaces aren’t duct tape. They anchor your automation into solid rock. 

Money in your pocket

I’ve heard many times that Zapier is too expensive.

But we’re already seeing how using Zapier’s new products will actually save you money.

Did you know that the “Create Record” and “Find or Create Record” actions in Tables are free? They don’t count against your task limit. 


Do some simple math and you can see how much switching over to Tables will save you.

Another fun fact: forms built on Interfaces automatically send submissions into a Table. No Zaps or tasks are required. 

This is just the beginning. We might see bundled pricing where using all Zapier products is discounted.

The future of automation is coming

Interfaces and Tables lack some functionality right now (highly customizable branding, drag-and-fill rows, etc.), but it’s only a matter of time before Zapier adds more powerful features. 

What we won’t see is Airtable being able to match Zapier’s 6,000 app integrations. This is Zapier’s moat.

Here’s what the future looks like with Zapier:

  • Visibility for you and the team to see automation dependencies
  • Repeatable ways to empower your team to launch things like automation-powered landing pages that don’t break
  • A new person on your team can get something stood up, moving, and automated with minimal effort 

Are you in?

To recap:

  • No-code is fragile—Tables and Interfaces add strength
  • Cost savings are showing up with more to come by using Zapier’s new products
  • The future is automation made simple for you and your team

That’s all for this week!

Happy Building,


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