The top priority
There’s been a lot of talk this week at Zapier about priorities. But it wasn’t all about making lists and staying focused. There was a twist that made an impact on me.
There's been a lot of talk this week at Zapier about priorities. The 2020 analogies for clear vision have become self-fulfilling prophecies. We had some teammates at Zapier write about priorities and then our CEO spoke to everyone about it. But it wasn't all about making lists and staying focused. There was a twist that made an impact on me.
Our CEO pointed to the idea of having A top priority. Singular. One priority. Not a list of priorities. Have a single top priority every week.
A simple idea but a powerful one.
Having a top priority is what allowed startups like Dropbox take on giants like Microsoft by focusing on individual consumers. Having a top priority is what allowed Mailchimp to take on giants like Constant Contact by focusing on making email marketing fun. Having a top priority is how you compete, especially if you're small.
It makes sense. But, the reality is that deciding on a top priority is tough.
If you have to narrow down a list of things to do to one thing, then you end up having to get rid of most things. This takes time, too.
But, hear me out, setting a top priority is the best use of your time right now.
I'm not seeing many people set a top priority. Everyone scatters their attention all over the internet. Quality is low. In no-code, there is a lot happening. Staying patient and focused on a top priority as you learn and build will put you ahead.
Happy building,