Part 3: How I’d start a Zapier agency

Part 3 of 3. We'll look at AI data enrichment in Tables, creating a client portal via Interfaces, and process diagramming in Canvas.

Welcome to part 3 of how I’m starting a (hypothetical) agency using only Zapier’s products.

Check out Part 1 and Part 2 if you missed them where I explored choosing a specialization, deciding on an ideal customer profile, creating an offering, and building out the lead generation system, chatbot, and CRM all in Zapier.

Today, I’ll show you AI data enriching in Tables, a client portal in Interfaces, and a live diagram showing the entire process in Canvas.

But before we begin… some news.

Zapier just launched the Zapier Automation Platform (Z.A.P.—see what they did there?) along with a revamped website, new logos, free tasks for Interfaces, Tables, and a handful of other Zapier-made apps, and a completely new product focus. It was more than just marketing. It was a lightning strike that gave automation a strand of coveted silver hair. 

Automation isn’t going anywhere, but it’s not the young goober it used to be anymore. Automation left center stage because automation is expected. The future is custom no-code software with seamless automation, visibility, and simplicity.

Get ready for Tables and Interfaces to push the pedal to the development metal. Things are going to release in a hurry.

Okay. With that, let’s round out this last part of building out a Zapier agency with some tools that will help my future clients.

Some quick assumptions (recap)

I’m using myself as the example here, but for this hypothetical future agency-
owner I’m assuming the following:

  • Already has deep Zapier knowledge
  • Aiming for speed to launch
  • Optimizing for less input more output (avoiding trading time for money if at all possible)

My goal is to create as much of the productized service in Zapier without needing any other tools.

AI data enriching in Tables

If you know about a person before you talk with them, the conversation will likely be a fruitful one. Nothing creepy here, but a first name and information about a person’s company makes you less of a stranger when you’re talking with leads. 

In my faux agency, I want my clients to have some AI sparkle in their leads table. Naturally, I create some AI fields to grab information about the leads company.

I add in AI fields to take a lead’s email address and find their company’s industry, website, location, and approximate number of employees. This is just the start. There are a ton of nerdy prospecting tools out there to help skip small talk and make you a know-it-all about your leads. Most of them integrate with Zapier and could be used in the leads table.

Client portal in Interfaces 

People appreciate portals. Without them, clients ask the same questions and businesses give the same answers until everyone decides they’ve had too much, frustration sets in, and keyboards, mice, and dreams end up in the trash.

Let’s make ‘em a portal, y’all. 

I create something simple for clients to use. I can use one myself or help them build one for their business if they need it. Clients can view project details, tasks, documents, and get help if needed. 

There are other tools out there like Softr that specialize in portals. But, with Softr, I would typically have to connect to an Airtable base in order to populate the information. With Zapier, I can simplify the portal by keeping the critical pieces all within Zapier and automate updates.

Interfaces forms also received a fantastic upgrade—conditional logic! I’ll include this in the Get Help section of the portal to show different fields based on what someone chooses (Schedule a call, Request completed project hours update, or General question).

Diagram the process in Canvas

Now, I’ll spend a few hours documenting everything in a 40-page manual and then somehow keep track of any changes I make. 

Just kidding. 

I’ll use Canvas to create a diagram that is alive. It connects directly to Zaps, Interfaces, and Tables and updates in real-time making it the perfect companion for my agency. I outline how the Sales CRM process works so that clients understand how everything works together.

Now all my Zapier agency needs is a hip name. I’ll let you figure that one out!

I hope this 3-part series was helpful. It was a fun exercise for me and got me excited about the future for anyone wanting to sell automation services. I see a world where automation is simple when it needs to be but still powerful enough to get the job done.

You stand to benefit.

To recap:

  • Enrich lead data using AI or automation within Tables
  • Put resources in one place using Interfaces
  • Create a breathing diagram in Canvas

Happy building,


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