Newsbrew: email newsletters digest

Build a digest for all your email newsletters. Use AI to help.

You subscribe to a bunch of email newsletters.

They hit your inbox on different days and times scattered amongst all the other email you get. Your inbox is a mess.

Is there a way for you to tame your inbox and put all those newsletters into a single digest?!


Enter Newsbrew.

Sound oddly familiar? Probably because Newsbrew is basically Mailbrew but re-built in Zapier. Heyo!

Last week a friend and I talked about re-building Mailbrew in Zapier. So, that’s exactly what I did.

Today I’ll show you how to build a weekly digest of all your newsletters using Zapier.

A Canvas is worth a thousand words

The Newsbrew system is pretty straightforward. I created a Zapier Canvas to show you.

  1. New emails labeled as “Newsletter” get added to Zapier Tables
  2. Every Monday an email is sent and the digest is created in Zapier Interfaces

Adding AI to your digest

One of the best things AI does is summarize. 

As new emails are labeled and added into the Zapier table, I use ChatGPT to summarize the email. I also have it give an estimated read time. 

AI is really good at this.

A table captures it all

I hold everything in the Zapier table for easy reference and so that the connected interface can show each week’s digest.

If you’re super curious about how the digest populates each week, here’s what I did.

I included two extra fields in the table. There’s one checkbox that’s marked as soon as an email is included in a digest. The digest will only pull emails that haven’t been checked. 

The second is the digest issue (by date) that an email is included in. 

The digest issue date allows me to filter by issue from the interface.

When the email is sent to me each week with the link to the digest interface, it includes URL params that automatically filter/select the current week’s digest issue when I visit the interface. WIN!

There’s so much you could [re]create in Zapier. Newsbrew was fun to build but considering Mailbrew looks a bit better and is now free (!), I highly suggest using it instead of building something yourself!

To recap:

  • Newsbrew is your digest of email newsletters (inspired by Mailbrew)
  • One Zap gets labeled emails, summarizes them, and adds them to a table
  • An interface shows the digest issue with summaries and links to the original emails

That’s all for this week!

Happy Building,


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