A list of no-code resources to turn your product into a business

The no-code movement has given you the tools to build. But, no-code doesn't tell you how to make an impact with what you build. It certainly doesn't tell you how to run a business. These resources will help tell you a bit about the bigger picture.

Most of these resources go beyond no-code and point to product design and many other aspects of starting a software business. Some of them are indeed specifically about learning no-code tools or coming up with good no-code product ideas.

The no-code movement has given you the tools to build. But, no-code doesn't tell you how to make an impact with what you build. It certainly doesn't tell you how to run a business. These resources will show you the complete picture.

Here's the list:


Appsheet was the first no-code tool acquired by Google. Their blog covers a variety of useful topics. They explore interesting no-code implementations like apps to help with construction safety. Use it to learn creative ways to use no-code.

[ebook]Micro SaaS

In this free ebook, Tyler Tringas writes about building a profitable software business. Use this as a one-stop resource for building a profitable business that stays small.

[website]All the stock photos

All the stock photo sites put together in one spot.

[tweet]Bubble Tutorials

A Twitter thread on the best Bubble tutorials out there for beginners.

[article]Growth Loops

How to grow the number of users of your software. Use this to understand how to get your product to grow without you having to work 100-hour weeks.

[article]Growth & Acquisition Loops

How to grow the number of users of your software and keep them using it.

List of questions for product launch

A list of questions that you should have answers to when launching a product. Use the answers in your launch content to communicate your product's purpose.

[ebook]SaaS Growth Tactics

Mike Slaats, founder of customer feedback tool Upvoty, wrote this guide on starting and growing a software business. Use this to get a high level understanding of what goes into starting a business. Short read.

[essay]Make your writing useful

An essay by Paul Graham on how to make your writing useful. You will be writing if you want to build a product and launch a business. Don't waste your time writing stuff that doesn't matter.

[course]What's your roadmap

Disclaimer: I haven't gone through this course, yet. But, it's on my list. It's about how to think through developing a plan for building a product. Use this once you've launched and need to build a plan for product.

[book]Designing products people love

Disclaimer: I haven't read this book, yet. But it's on my list. It's about focusing on solving customer pain points.

I'm always on the hunt for other resources like the ones above, so if you have one or two that you are especially finding useful right now, would you let me know? DM me on Slack or send me an email with the link(s).

Side note: I'm hoping this is the last month of COVID-19 quarantine! I'm planning a beach vacation to Florida as soon as things change. Let me know if you want to join :)

Until then...

Happy quarantining,


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