Why does no one talk about these 2 giant no-code app builders?

Webflow and Bubble dominate the no-code conversation on Twitter. But there is a race going on behind the scenes that no one talks about.

Webflow and Bubble dominate the no-code app builder conversation on Twitter. But there is a race going on behind the scenes that no one talks about. Ever heard of Mendix or Outsystems?

More on them in a second.

But first, a super quick lesson in business:

The market of businesses selling to other businesses (B2B) is bigger than businesses selling to consumers (B2C). In this eMarketer report, Frost & Sullivan predicted B2B to be twice as big as B2C by 2020 (now say that again 2x as fast).

The same is true for no-code tools. There's a market twice as big for no-code tools to target businesses.

And while Webflow and Bubble sell to businesses, they are usually selling to individuals or small businesses. Or agencies. They aren't targeting Enterprise businesses.


Enter Mendix and Outsystems

Mendix and Outsystems are the Amazon and Google of no-code. They tend to use terms like "low-code" and "citizen development" to appeal to businesses.

"No-code" may sound a little too risque.

And the industry is all in on "citizens" creating apps instead of developers.

Global research firm Gartner put out a report which says no-code is the future for app development.

The reality is that IT departments are just too dang slow. Mendix gets this.


Mendix Citizen Development


So, what does this mean for our treasured no-code movement? I thought Webflow was really neat. And I loved Bubble's name... it's so friendly.

Webflow and Bubble will stick around and likely still dominate the media coverage. Like Zapier, they will target small business and carve out a nice space there.

Mendix and Outsystems are too focused on getting the big bucks from enterprise. They won't shift gears towards small business or individuals. Yet...


Low-code tools are coming for no-code

Salesforce started in 1999. Focused on the enterprise.

But 19 years later in 2018, they launched Salesforce Essentials to target small businesses.

I would not be surprised if companies like Mendix or Outsystems make their products a bit more sexy and start targeting small businesses and individuals.


Mendix and Outsystems' biggest advantages will be security.

If a no-code tool can meet the security requirements of enterprise, they'll be in a good spot when they decide to target small businesses.

As more and more no-code apps take off using Bubble and the like, the more security issues will surface. How many no-code builders are actually taking security seriously?

Time will tell.


What this means for you as a no-code app builder

Use the Mendix and Outsystems' research to your advantage and take security seriously.

Mendix and Outsystems have to convince enterprise businesses that no-code is the future. You bet they've done their research.

Use this information to convince your boss or mother-in-law that no-code is the future. Or convince your next client:

 P.S. Google tried to go after enterprise. Didn't quite work out. They had to buy AppSheet (a smaller no-code tool). They called their failed tool Google App Maker. They came up with some amazing documentation on how to build a no-code app. Here's the project plan for every no-code app you plan to build.


Happy building,


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