The Build-it-Yourself Revolution

With Zapier and AI, everyone is a builder. Here's how you stand out.

Our HVAC just went out. 

I wiped the sweat off my brow and did what any responsible homeowner would do: I searched “DIY HVAC replacement” on Youtube. 

I smiled and paused.

You can do anything yourself these days. But it’s not just DIY home improvement or car mechanics. We’re in the age of build-it-yourself software, too. 

Zapier is making it easier than ever. 

Right now, builders win. Are you a builder, yet? 

But in the near future, AI will make everyone a builder. Who do you need to be then?

Today, I’ll tell you why Zapier builders like you are winning and give you my take on how you should prepare for a future where AI makes everyone a builder.

Let’s dig in.

Why builders win with Zapier

If you’re reading this, chances are you’re just like Frank Lloyd Wright:

You’re a right-handed builder.

Even with no-code apps like Zapier, you still need to understand process, app architecture, logic, and a list of tools in order to build. In other words, you must be left-brain dominant (the analytical side that controls the right side of your body). 

With Zapier, you’ve had an edge. It just clicks. You’ve built unbelievable tools and systems while others are left staring at your chalkboard of formulas unable to make sense of it all.

But we’re experiencing a shift.  

Where Zapier is logic, AI is creativity.

Welcome to all the left-handed Michelangelos who are itching to build. 

If you’re a builder with Zapier and logic today, you’re one step ahead. You can use your set of skills (or learn them) and start building tools and apps like never before. My advice: don’t stop building.

But soon, AI and creativity will catch up. Everyone will be a builder. 

What then?

Build-it-yourself for everyone

When both the logical and creative can build whatever they need, what will the world look like? What skills will you need to learn to stand out?

I’m no million-dollar founder or entrepreneurial leader, but after 12 years of building and working in software here’s my take (in this order):

  1. Learn to simplify. 

When everyone is a builder, custom software will spill into every part of your work adding unnecessary complexity. Those who can distill problems down to their core and tasetfully build simple solutions will stand out.

  1. Be a generalist and a specialist.

When everyone is a builder, fewer people will be required to get the same job done. You need to position yourself as a specialist but have a generalist skill set. 

  1. Get good at taking action.

The cost of execution is plummeting. Just like we’ve seen with content, newsletters, and social media, build-it-yourself software will flood your feeds and your workplace. But most of it will be rubbish carelessly built. You must put in the work. Put in the work by taking action.

Look, given any situation with risk you could earily find a long list of perfectly reasonable and logical reasons not to take action. But go against your instinct and build it anyway. Take action. 

Be a builder now. Be a builder in the future.

Wrapping it up

Guess what?

I actually had a professional replace my HVAC. Turns out that’s not actually a great DIY task… yet.

While you’re busy building, don’t forget to know when it’s a better use of your time to get some help. There will always be room for that. 

To recap:

  • Today, builders win with Zapier and logic. 
  • Tomorrow, everyone will be a builder with AI and creativity.
  • Prepare for the future by learning to simplify, being a generalist and a specialist, and getting good at taking action.

That’s all for this week!

Happy Building,


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