Build AI Agents in Zapier

Build AI Agents that get work done in 7,000 different apps.

We’re all playing AI wac-a-mole right now. 

“Introducing… [insert app name] AI”

It’s kind of cool. But at some point all those AIs need to do things outside of their product. 

You will need them to take more action

30,000 more actions to be precise. 

Errbody’s product will need their AI to do things in other apps and so they’ll use Zapier’s AI Actions API.

Once this happens, we’ll see blog posts “Introducing… [insert app name] AI Agents.”

But here’s a shortcut: with Zapier Central, you can already start building these AI Agents yourself for any product. You can literally use Central within your existing apps. 

Zapier Central AI Agent… in Airtable

You have store orders in Airtable.

Pop open the Central Chrome extension and start asking questions like which product is selling best.

Then, tell Central to calculate the total revenue made and send a Slack message. Central will prompt you to create that behavior and then it’ll be able to send Slack messages for you moving forward.

Zapier Central AI Agent in anything

This means you can add AI into anything you want, creating agents that get things done for you when you tell them to or when things happen. 

It’s automation and AI all blended together into one place. 

So, what are you waiting for? Central is free.

To recap:

  • AI is everywhere, but can every product’s AI actually get stuff done?
  • AI Agents across the web will be powered by Zapier’s AI Actions API
  • Build your own AI Agent today with Zapier Central

That’s all for this week!

Happy Building,


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