Automate Leads with Zapier's Interfaces/Tables

Automate lead management with Zapier to get notified for every new lead, update your CRM and mailing list, and send lead an email. Learn how to use Zapier's new Interfaces and Tables products to simplify the process.

If your business generates leads, using Zapier is obvious.

You have a funnel cake I mean funnel that creates customers but as it grows so does your belly I mean your already long-list of manual tasks. (sorry, food on the mind)

If you don’t use Zapier to help, you’ll need to skip family dinner to get everything done.

But if you automate with Zapier, your growth won’t slow you down.  

Today I’m going to teach you the three essential lead management Zaps you need if you want to grow and have your cake, too.

I’ll also share how you can use Zapier’s newest Interfaces and Tables products to simplify the process.

Let’s dive in.

Never Lose a Lead

It doesn’t matter where you get new leads, they all need to end up in one
place: your CRM. Use Zapier to automate the capture process and get notified
for every new lead. Here’s the basic structure for the Zap:

  1. Trigger: New Lead
  2. Action: Add to CRM
  3. Action: Add to mailing list
  4. Action: Get notified
  5. Action: Send lead an email

If a lead goes unnoticed, money is going out the door. Don’t have a leaky
funnel right from the start. Plug the holes with some Zaps.  

Quick Responses

Speed is everything. Just ask Amazon Prime. According to recent HubSpot
research, 82% of consumers want an immediate response when they have a sales

When it comes to automation, there are two ways to be as quick as possible
with responses:

  1. Automate a response.
  2. Notify your team and have someone respond manually.

For the most part, I’m in favor of option two because the human touch is so
critically important to build trust. Oftentimes there’s not enough context
about a lead for someone from your team to respond with a personal touch. This
is where Zapier can help.  
Here’s what a Zap would look like:

 1. Trigger: New response in email
 2. Search: Find lead in CRM to get relevant information
 3. Action: Notify team with email message and additional information from CRM

Put the people first and try to automate around the human interactions as
much as possible.


Lead to Customer

Once a lead becomes a customer (congrats btw), it’s critical to update their
information in your CRM and Mailing List. Zapier automates the process:

  1. Trigger: Lead purchases and becomes customer
  2. Action: Update CRM
  3. Action: Update mailing list subscription
  4. Action: Notify team

The worst thing a new customer can receive is an email trying to sell them
something they’ve already bought. Let Zapier automate the update immediately.  

The Future: All in Zapier

Since the beginning of time—okay more like for the past decade, businesses
have been automating their lead management using Zapier as the glue to connect
their tools together. But now lead management can be done in Zapier reducing
the number of tools needed
It’s in beta now, but here’s part of what lead management looks like using
only Zapier’s Interfaces and Tables products.  
Never Lose a Lead  
Build a form in Zapier’s new Interfaces and embed it on your website for a
visitor to submit and become a lead.  

Responses are automatically recorded in a Zapier Table which acts as your
CRM. Another Zapier Interface displays the contacts along with their status in
a Kanban board.  

A connected Zap notifies your team and emails lead:

  1. Trigger: New Lead
  2. Action: Get notified
  3. Action: Send Lead an Email

There is still a communication piece that lies outside of Zapier (you’ll use
email, Slack, etc.). But, with most of the process living in Zapier, you can
simplify lead management and save money and time by reducing the tools needed.  
As Interfaces and Tables come out of beta, I’d expect more of your lead
management process to live in Zapier.  
To recap:

  • Zapier is essential for automating lead management
  • Automate updating your CRM and Mailing list and notifying your team
  • Simplify the process and only use Zapier’s new products if possible

That's it for this week!  
Happy Building,  

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