How I wrote 93+ landing pages with AI and Zapier

Learn the how to use AI, automation, and scale to make the most out of what you build.

Over the past 11 months, I’ve built a metropolis of new Zapier templates using Interfaces, Tables, Chatbots, and Zaps.

Creating templates is one thing. Writing about them so that all you Googling citizens actually stumble upon them, learn about how they work, and sign up for Zapier is another. 

I’ve had to write words that make people tap their index finger on that little mouse button. My goal is a tiny finger press. The amount of physical effort I’m trying to influence in your finger is borderline molecular in size.

Yet… it’s very hard to do. It’s also very hard to do repeatedly.

So I built something.

Today, I’m going to show you how I used AI, Zapier, and Google Docs to automate the writing of ~93 Zapier template landing pages. 

Let us begin.

P.S. here’s a video if you prefer to watch instead of read

Should AI do your writing?

First, the question that truly matters: Should AI write for you?

The answer: Yes! But whether AI writes 100% or 1% is debatable. 

Some scenarios for you along with my suggested split and what tasks AI would handle:

You’re writing a letter to your grandma: 99% human, 1% AI to help with:

  • spell check
  • grammar

You’re writing a personal blog post under your own name: 90% human, 10% AI to help with:

  • + ideation 
  • + structure

You’re writing a company blog post: 60% human, 40% AI to help with:

  • + consistency
  • + brand voice

You’re writing a landing page for a template: 15% human, 85% AI to help with:

  • + SEO

Don’t forget the Prompt Paradox! You use AI to save time and effort, but to increase quality you must spend more time and effort writing a better prompt.  

O Roboteo, Roboteo! wherefore art thou Roboteo?

AI is supposed to be like the easy button!

There’s hope. Here’s the winning combo: AI + automation + scale = time saved. 

This only works if you need to do something a bunch of times. You first labor over the prompts and the automated process. Then, over time, you reap the benefits.

How I built the landing-page-copywriting AI automation

To write a landing page for a Zapier template there are two major inputs:

  • The interface form that takes information about the specific template 
  • The Zap, or automation, that contains a series of ChatGPT (and other app) steps


I built the form in Zapier Interfaces to capture the first input about the template.

It has the fields you might expect but also an image upload field for a Zapier Canvas I make for each template. Wondrously, AI can read the image and learn about how the template works. 

The Zapier Canvas for the Document Approval Process Template

The form submission kicks off a 16-step Zap that generates the landing page copy, buys me a donut, and massages my feet. 

The Zap uploads the Canvas image and pulls a Google Doc of all previous template landing pages

the ChatGPT steps that do all the work

The building principles that make this Zap valuable

This Zap has three major principles that pay me dividends (and might help you, too):

  1. Supplemental Files: It pulls a Canvas image and a Google Doc of all other template landing pages for AI to reference, making the output more accurate to the specific template and consistent with the landing pages of other templates.
  2. AI Assistants: it uses OpenAI assistants which you can configure, fine-tune, and perfect before employing them in your automation, giving you more control over the output.
  3. Multiple AI Steps: It breaks out AI steps by function so that each piece is specific to a single purpose

If you’re curious about the prompts, feel free to send me an email and I can share more with you. They are long, detailed, and nuanced. 

The results

When this automation runs, I get a Google Doc sent to me in Slack with the landing page copy ready for a final review along with a checklist. I add screenshots, adjust sentences here or there, and look for ways to add more human value like a video. 

You can see all the landing pages at

Ranking in search has also increased except for in May when Google started really playing with AI results. You can see that dip, but then continued increase from there. How SEO and AI play together is still up in the air. It's going to be an interesting ride.

SEO results for Zapier template landing pages

At the end of the day, this AI Automation has saved me countless hours and is impacting the numbers. Let's go.

To recap:

  • Use AI to help you write but determine the level of human input based on the specific job
  • AI + automation + scale is the ultimate combo for saving time
  • Use supplemental files, AI assistants, and multiple AI steps for the best output

That’s all for this week!

Happy Building,


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