11 no-code ideas you could start today

Have you built something with no-code, yet? If not, here's your chance. Here are 11 no-code ideas that could help you and/or your business.

Have you built something with no-code, yet? If not, here's your chance.

Here are 11 no-code ideas that you can start right now:

  1. Create a website of curated content using Google Sheets and Siteoly
  2. Make a party potluck app using Glide. Check out this Dinner Party Glide template.
  3. Take 5 of your most used Google Sheets and combine them into one Coda doc. Here's how you import Google Sheets into Coda.
  4. Start a blog and charge subscribers someday with Substack.
  5. Create a personal website using Carrd. Here's a step-by-step guide on how one person did just that in 1 hour.
  6. Build an appointment scheduling app for your business with Adalo. Here's a scheduling template.
  7. Start selling products with an Adalo app. Here's an ecommerce template.
  8. Build a client portal for your agency's clients to track project progress using Bubble. You can adapt this CRM template.
  9. Create a beautiful and secure place for clients to view results of a marketing audit using Webflow for the website and Memberstack to manage client logins. Here's a Webflow resource on how to do that.
  10. Build an employee directory app using Glide. Here's a directory template.
  11. Start using Zapier and Glide to handle contacting new leads. Part 1 and Part 2.


Have another idea and are not sure what app to use? Here are a couple of comparisons that might help:


Webflow vs. Bubble

Adalo vs Glide

Merry Christmas,


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